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ISSN 2698-6140   ♦  Volume 6   2022/5   ♦  28 pages  pdf-Format   ♦   Product No.   FPK-2022-5     

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Sabine Riedel

Since the founding of the state, Ukraine has been discussing its national identity. Initially, it had a political understanding of nationhood. Since 2014, it follows a linguistic-ethnic model that discriminates against other language communities, including Russian-speaking Ukrainians. The Minsk agreements still aimed at a consensual solution to the internal conflict. However, Kiev was not willing to make any concessions to the minority, such as local or regional autonomy, but risked a military confrontation with the separatists in eastern Ukraine and with Russia.


  • The Psychological Projection on Other Actors
  • The Heritage of Kievan Rus Devides or Unites
  • Language Factor: Ruthenians, Little Russians, Ukrainians?
  • Orthodoxy between rivalry and commonality
  • International law in the Ukrainian identity conflict
  • Ukraine: Central or Federal State Structure?
  • Dilemma: Autonomous Special Rights or Federalisation

The 28 pages include: Analysis, summary, 14 figures and excerpts, 165 references (linked). 
Cf. Excerpt/Teaser

Deutsch Русский